holiday part 2 = kulap geodas

28 juni 2010.
In that day, I spent my holiday [?] in Curug Dago, Lembang, and Padalarang.
Well. It was not holiday anymore. Imagine that, in my holiday, I still have to do "geodas" fieldtrip.
Actually, I waited this fieldtrip from someweeks ago,but coz some reasons this fieldtrip delayed for a moment.

Walking from one place to another place then seeing the rocks - analyzing it. It was so fun.
We could take some photos in that beautiful place and admire God`s creation.
But the one thing that I didn`t like was making the report. We had to do it if we want to get the final score. >.<
My favourite scenery was in Lembang [gunung batu]. From here, we could see Tangkuban Perahu mountain, Bandung Basin, Lembang, and more mountains.

the scenery from Gunung Batu Lembang,

The Real Gunung Batu [behind me]


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